Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Brother Spoilers...

I have live feeds, so I promise to blog spoilers as often as possible.

If you didn't follow my blog last summer for BB13, I will post show/known Big Brother info here, then any spoilers/un-aired/live feed info below the cut so it is hidden if you don't want to know it.

If you do... click 'MORE' to read more....

First - aired info:

Willie was first HoH and nominated Frank and Kara. Veto was not used. Kara went home... Frank won HoH

Now the un-aired/spoilers:


-Looks like Frank will nominate Willie and Shane or Jojo (as of right now)

-Coaches Comp may happen today, winner can save one of their own players *OR* trade one of their players.

I hope Brit wins and saves Willie. I just want Willie to stick around. He is fun drama.

here are my thoughts on the cast thus far:

-Ashley - stoner? She always seems high, I hope/think it's an act.

-Willie - I love him. I loved Russell too... it's a Hantz thing (minus Brandon ha!)

-Frank - I did like him, not as much now.

-JoJo - She is interesting. I like that she aligned with Willie and Shane.

-Shane - He is kind of dull, but cute. Again, I like Willie so as long as they are teamed together I like him.

-Jenn - I am glad to see a non-Barbie-bimbo casted, I like her uniqueness, not sure on her game play yet.

-Joe - annoying. I don't like him at all.

-Danielle - don't know her well yet, her and Kara were kind of one.

-Ian - I liked, but he is proving to be pretty creepy... still it is endearing.

-Wil - so pretty. I am not entirely sure how I like him yet.


-Brit - still don't like her, but I do hate her less.

-Janelle - still love her

-Boogie - I used to like him, but he is kind of a cocky dbag

-Dan - still love him, but wish he could catcha break.

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