Saturday, August 11, 2012

#bb14 nominees and have nots


Wil and Joe are up.

Although Joe was the target, it seems that "they" want Wil to go.

Have Nots = Brit, Shane, Joe, Danielle.

danielle says Ian pushed her to get the bandana to be on the other team (that won).

Apparently Joe got mean during the comp? Can't wait to see.


Ash seems to have serious back pain (some say it's a ploy as part of the show, but she seems legit hurt... not sure)

Wil is worried and scrambling.

Many of the HGs were working out in the yard, intense circuit training led by Shane, I was sweating and tired just watching them!!!

Brit and Dani wrote a cheer for Frank when he loses his spirit tard, hope he can remember it for DR :)

That's all for now.... POV is played tomorrow, probably a bean bag toss type game, as BB gave them one in the yard to play with tonight.

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