Friday, November 2, 2012

Francis Lawrence to direct Mockingjay Part 1 and 2

Lionsgate has announced that Catching Fire’s director, Francis Lawrence will also direct Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2!

Mandy's Mind:

This is weird for me. We haven't seen Francis Lawrence's work on Catching Fire yet, and although I am sure it will be awesome, it just seems odd and a bit premature no? Unless they are slipping in some scenes filming now?

I know (sorry to comapre - again - but) Twilight had a different director for each movie, with Bill Condon doing the last two. So I can understand the same director for parts one and two of Mockingjay, however, I am not sure about having the same for Catching Fire and both parts of Mockingjay. Why didn't they keep Hunger Games director on? Were there problems?

Just an interesting announcement - what do you think?

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