Friday, February 1, 2013

2013 Movies... so many to see...

Upcoming movies in 2013 to look out for ....

Warm Bodies - Feb. 1 - today! go see!!

Side Effects - Feb. 8 - CHANNING TATUM!!!!
Beautiful Creatures Feb. 14

Safe Haven - Feb. 14 - Love NIcholas Sparks novels.

Jack the Giant Slayer - March 1 - Nicholas Hoult (from Warm Bodies) means I will go see it!

Oz - March 8 - I have been waiting for this for months!!

The Host - March 29 - Stephenie Meyer's novel turned movie, I still haven't read this one - bad fan?

The Company you Keep - April 5 - Political Thriller from Robert Redford, we will see.

Brass Teapot - April 5 - Michael Angarano and Juno Templer are poor married couple who get a "Magic teapot"...

Evil Dead - April 12 - looks scary but awesome!

Oblivion - April 19

Pain and Gain - April 26 - Hot buff men like The Rock and Mark Wahlberg, funny people like Rebel Wilson and Ken Jeong, sounds awesome)

Iron Man 3 - May 3 - love love can't wait!

Great Gatsby - May 10 - can't wait for this!

Star Trek - May 17 - I love Zachary Quinto hard!

Fast and Furious 6 - May 24 - I haven't seen them all, but Vin Diesel and The Rock and PAUL WALKER return so I am game, plus the hubby will want to see

Hangover 3 - May 24

Epic - May 24

Much Ado about nothing - June 7 - always like see remakes

The Internship - June 7 - Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson... could go funny "Wedding Crasher" style or flop "The Watch" style... we shall see

Man of Steel - June 14 - Amy Adams as Louis Lane has me intrigued! Henry Cavil... yummy!

World War Z - June 21 - My husband read and loved this novel, I can't wait to see the movie.

Monsters University - june 21 - Monsters Inc prequel...

Kick ass 2 - June 28 - loved the masked crusaders.

Despicable Me 2 - July 3

Pacific Rim - July 12

The Conjuring - July 19 - scary movie thriller looks interesting.

Wolverine - July 26 - Hugh Jackman returns again... I need to just watch all of these movies again together to see where we are at.

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - Aug 16 - I still haven't watched the first one

Mortal Instruments - Aug. 23 - need to read first

RUSH - Sept 20 - Thor in race cars in the 70s we will see.

Runner, Runner - Sept 27 - all-star cast

Sin City - Oct. 4 - a sequel to 2005 movie which was filmed in Vancouver... all-star cast...

Carrie - Oct. 18 - excited for this remake

The Seventh Son - Oct. 18 - Game of Thrones bastard son Snow is in this movie

Ender's Game - Nov. 1 - excited for this one too

Thor - Nov. 8 - I need to watch the first one, I fell asleep during it, I know, horrible! I did love all the other movies (Avengers etc.)

Catching Fire - Nov. 22 - DUH!!! MUST SEE!!

Frozen - Nov. 27 - based on "The Snow Queen" fairy tale features Kristen Bell's voice along with Idina Menzel and more.

Hobbit - Dec. 13

Anchorman 2 - Dec 20 - hilariousness returns

Jack Ryan - Dec. 25 - Based on Tom Clancy's character from multiple books, Chris Pine will play the lead.

47 Ronin - Dec. 25 - Keanu Reeves in true story based film about Japanese Samurai who avenge murder of their master.
Secret Life of Walter Mitty - Dec. 25 - I loved this Short Story and have done it with my students often when we study short stories unit. Can't wait to see Ben Stiller as the day dreaming Walter Mitty.

Also see my post from SUNDANCE must see films HERE.

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