Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Big Brother 15 brings some changes...

Summer feels so far away, but my favourite reality summer guilty pleasure (BIG BROTHER) is in full planning mode... Some major changes coming this season and I am super excited.... BBN

CBS has announced the Big Brother 15 premiere will arrive two weeks earlier than normal this summer. That’s a huge change for the series, but the less examined part of that announcement was a switch in which nights the episodes would air.

CBS says BB15 episodes will buck the recent seasons’ schedule and instead air on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Moving the weekday broadcasts up a night means the HGs will have more time before a Friday nomination and less time after a Monday PoV ceremony if production keeps the in-house events on the same old schedule. Houseguests will get an extra day to fight, struggle, and be good hamsters filled with paranoia. Just the way we like them!

Clarification: I’m talking real-time events going on in the house and not time differences between episode broadcasts. Events in the house happen days before CBS airs them.

While the broadcast viewers might not notice as significant a change in the house dynamics, it should be a dramatic improvement for fans watching the Live Feeds which is of course where the real game exists and the die hard fans never miss.

What do you think about the Big Brother 15 schedule and its impact on the game?

Seems that the added time (for live feeders, and I am a live feeder) for the plotting and fighting will make it more interesting. I have to say that the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday long wait has been pretty boring and for the most part, live feeders knew what would happen and then just sat around and waited for live show....

This change up will be good, but also starting earlier makes me happy... sooner the better, let's get this show on the road!!!

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