Last year I just packed great food/snacks, hit a Mexican resturant once or twice, Old Spaghetti once, a pub in the hotel once and Subway a couple times... *shrugs* posted some eat ideas....
Here are a few I'd like to try out:
- “great burgers, great beer” , @thearniec
- “The Mission and Hob Nob are the kind”, @TaxiDrvr
Some friends will enjoy this though:
Gluten Free
- DineGF for Android and iPhone- “App DineGF great to find what places have GF dining!”, @mattcail
- Find Me Gluten Free for Android and iPhone – “Really good app”, @real_locodante
FYI -Here's a link to my friend's post on where to eat for the Con:
She and her husband are both San Diegan's; he is the creator of webcomic "cool jerk" and she is a foodblogger and author of the comic/cookbook, "The girl with the donut tattoo"
note- Cremolose is now closed.