Wednesday, July 17, 2013


So we drove into San Diego from the L.A. area, with a few pit stops along the way. Beautiful drive, last year I did it in the dark!

I didn't have preview pass so we had to go to Town and Country to get my badge, the car line up fromt he highway, off ramp and around the the street the hotel is on took almost 2 hours. Inside, the line was less than 20 minutes.

We came and checked into our hotel, the Hilton Bayfront. Last year we had Hard Rock and I have to say, I much prefer this hotel.

We then went to get my roomies badge at the convention centre then meet our other roomie at the Ender's Game fan Experience.

The experience was awesome! You got an i.d. card with your photo, a pin, and to go through several rooms from the movie with actual movie props! incredible!

On our way to the line we saw Asa Butterfield walk by then talked to Hailee Steinfeld, who I am excited to see in upcoming Romeo & Juliet along with Ender's Game. She was in True Grit also!

This is what is looked like outside.

And inside....


They had real props and costumes and set items - it was incredible!

Later we saw Bill Paxton... random...

And also Aimee Teegarden....

And Grey Damon....
And Jessica Parker Kennedy, Canadian actress from Secret Circle and more...

Around Town....


Hit the vendors booths briefly tonight also....

Star Trek, the next generation... epic...

Didn't go INSIDE this yet, but deffo will....

Need to go inside this also....

Divergent bag from here...

Poster Tubes from Fox....

Outside our hotel there are several exhibits...


Also today was a lot of cool cosplay, long lines that moved surprisingly quick, some familiar faces, over-prices sandwiches, and the ever popular SORE FEET (ok whole body, I am getting old!)


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