Sunday, July 21, 2013

#TrueBlood at #SDCC 2013

I was sitting FRONT ROW in Ballroom 20 for the True Blood panel that started off with Joe Manganiello blowing me a kiss. (I blew one first and he returned it, apparently, I was in heaven and now exactly feeling anything but bliss ha ha)
Some highlights included:
  • Michael McMillian and Anna Camp banter as Steve and Sarah Newlin.
  • Rob Kazinsky and Ryan Kwantlen discussing the preparation for their "shaving" scene together (homoerotic dream 'Jason' has about 'Ben')
  • Anna Paquin talking about Sookie always being in danger, and finally learning somethings after everything she has been through.
  • Brian Buckner said they would 'return to their roots' with on central storyline versus the multiples as of late. (Thank Billith!)
“We’re going to try to condense the number of stories we’re telling and make this really feel like we’re coming home. I wanna bring it in a little bit. Not to discount Charlaine [Harris’] books at all, but my hope is to get all these people we love living under this one story and one threat. Really just make it about this small town we’ve all come to know and love.”
  • The preview for the rest of the season shows Sookie giving a eulogy, shows some major action (sexy and violent rawr!) Check it out here:

Loved seeing everyone on the panel, though disappointing Alexander Skarsgård and Stephen Moyer were not there, it worked out as it was already a pretty packed panel and felt too short.
And of course Nelsan Ellis saying "Rihanna and make-up" get him into the "Lafayette" mood. Another fan asked how Lafayette would use the scard Nelsan was wearing and he showed us this:

Ryan Kwantlen demonstrated how he was doing pull ups and Anna Paquin was supposed to walk in after three, but would delay coming in, then do her lines extra slow to make him suffer doing the pull-up's even longer.

 Here are some more photos from the panel....

Seriously my new fave is Warlow akak Ben aka Rob Kazinsky.

Here are videos from the panel:

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