Monday, June 15, 2009

The Real Joan Jett with KStew - and good stuff about Kristen...

Joan Jett and Kristen Stewart carpooled to set today - awesome!

I am still saying how much of a FAN I AM of KStew in this role.....

I saw on TwiCrackAddict a lil blurb that I totally love...

TCA: ...for once I kind of agree with their compliment of KStew, who sometimes gets a lot of flak:

x17: Here's the thing about Kristen Stewart: I actually think she's a pretty decent actress who's in the Hollywoodgame because she cares about her craft, not because she wants to be a famous celeb. Twilight probably exposed her more than she thought it would, so when I see her acting all awk around the paps, I don't think she's acting superior, I think she just feels... well, awkward!

True Dat - - - Loves it!!

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