Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rob's Bruises Explained....

No these are not injuries sustained when a bunch of Crazies in NYC attacked Robert yesterday - - - fake cuts and bruises are in place for the filming of "Remember Me"

I love his co-star Emilie de Ravin ever since Lost.... Claire was one of my faves (along with Boone - both "disappeared" too quickly on the show)

I really would have loved to be in NYC right now - I've always wanted to go and *of course* now would have been a great time since RPattz is there, however, with the chaos that has been happening, I am glad I am not.

Of course not all fans are crazy

When it was time for me to go to class I walked into the building where most of NYU's classrooms are and just happened to see Rob standing by the elevators apparently trying to escape the craziness outside. (They were also using the building for other movie purposes as well) I approached him very nicely and ASKED him if I could take a picture with him and he was more than nice. He asked me if I went to school at NYU and told him I was actually on my way to class. I commented on the hysteria outside and he laughed. So I hope that I was able to show him that not all fans are as batsh-t crazy as the ones that were mobbing him.

Read ALL about this fans encounter at TwiCrackAddict's Blog

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