Thursday, July 23, 2009

Comic-Con Part 2 - Press Conference Deets

Part one was here

Anyways... ET PRomised Live Streaming Video - - and didn't deliver... EPIC FAIL!!!

However, via Twitter we were able to read tweets updated regularily on all the happenings, and by now, there are video clips all over youtube... go nuts...

HitFix blogged live from the press conference... highlights included:

:58 a.m. "It would look probably pretty cheesy if it were just my voice, so they've done these hallucinations, semi-visible apparitions," Pattinson says, explaining how he's able to be in the movie when Edward is largely absent from the book.

9:59 a.m. Proteins, good carbs and cut the sugars. That was Taylor Lautner's secret to become the buff Taylor we see before us. That and months and months and months with a personal trainer.

10:00 a.m. "There's more to think about. It's a more mature part. She's older. She has more to deal with. Yeah. That's it." That's how Stewart attempts to express how Bella is different this season.

10:01 a.m. "I'd like to think that I haven't changed that much. Within myself, I don't think I've changed. When I'm walking down the street, I look down a lot more often," Pattinson says, explaining how his life has changed. He adds, "It seems to keep building, the magnitutde of this franchise."

10:02 a.m. Lautner says he's been so busy working and publicizing. "It's crazy. None of us saw it coming. I don't think any of us saw it coming."

10:03 a.m. How has Stewart changed? "I cut my hair off."

Here is a video clip of it too - -

Part Three of my reports is HERE

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