Thursday, July 23, 2009

Comic-Con Part 3

Are you sick of all this yet? I never thought I could get sick of it - - but after so lil "TwiCracK" lately - this is severe overload... not that I am complaining... it's just exhausting... ;)

Entertainment Weekly has interviews with Chris Weitz and the cast of New Moon - and I can't embed it but I can link it - -

See it Here

Kristen is soooo awkward!!! and I love how Robert starts his equally awkward (ok slightly less) rant and Kristen and Ashley totally distract him LMAO -- TWICE!!!!

"complete animosity" - - yuh-huh - - more like silly siblings non?!?!

Also think Chris' joke about "turning to Computer FZ to change Taylor into a werewolf" ha ha ha

Anyways - cute video - enjoy it!

There are TONS of videos, pics, reports... check out TwiCrackAddict or Twilight Lexicon (my fave go-to sites)


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