Saturday, August 22, 2009

Twilight Saga Eclipse Filming Day 5 - Friday August 21

Yes the set location is "out there"

No I don't want to include it in this teaser as I have not confirmed it is wrapped yet and even if I told you where it was and you went - there'd be little to see as they quickly blocked it all once a few people began to arrive.

Anyways - - -

I got there early as I was checking out a previous set from New Moon with some friends from Oregon. We had just met Zac Efron and were feeling pretty lucky when we saw the familiar "181" Sign from last night... could it be?

I want to tell you everything but I will wait until morning - I am exhausted and just posted plenty of greatness from last nights bridge set..In 3 parts:

  • report from fans last night
  • report from pro's last night and
  • how it looked today

    Coming Tomorrow - - VIDEO, PHOTOS and DETAILS of TONIGHTS ECLIPSE SET :)

    Ok - one teaser photo....

    As they quickly blocked the set with screens and large vehicles we could still see the upside down blue car on set....

    1.'s morning. More blogs pretty please. Upside down car would have me thinking a newborn/Seattle scene too....but there was a tweet by someone that Rob was on set last night and he wouldn't be there for that - so I dunno. Need more blog!

    2. Rest!!!!! We will 'survive.' -grin-
