Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage... RANT TIME

**Note - this is all tabloid b.s.**

Robsten Lovers better be excited... thanks to modern technology (photoshop in particular) Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are getting married....

Let me clarify - OK! Magazine has used a FAKE / MANIPULATED photo on their COVER to let the world know about Robert and Kristen's ALLEGED marriage LOL

This photo was manip'd - the outfits they have on are from the twilight premier last year.

[via twifans]

Also Rob Pattinson Life says:

Here’s what Gossip Cop knows: Yes, Pattinson and Stewart have done advance interviews to coincide with the movie’s release, but they are NOT giving joint interviews about their private lives—period. And while it’s fun for NW to throw in phrases like “secret sex trysts” and “soul mates,” there’s no way the mag, with its fertile imagination, is accurately reporting what’s been said in those interviews. Again, NW has birthed a bad rumor.

And also

[via Rob Pattinson Life]



Maybe they are in love, maybe they are friends - maybe they bang from time to time, maybe they share pizza and a movie... who knows... who cares... if they are together and they want the world to know - I am pretty sure they will tell us.... till then... let's move on people!!!

It is annoying to see photos you KNOW are manipulated to make/create a story - - - it's even worse than photos that are taken then misrepresented (like when Rob and Kristen got into the limo after Blue Water Cafe everyone said they were playing footsies but they had literally JUST crawled into a limo... and their feet touched for a half second!!!) but to actually take TWO SEPARATE PHOTOS and photoshop them INTO ONE?!?!?! absurd!!! it is NOT journalism, it is pathetic!!!

***END RANT***

PS - the limo photo that was a REAL photo - just misrepresented...


  1. and the amount of people who believe these *magazines* is astonishing.

  2. I love how the first magazine describes the "supposed" marriage...."sentimental ring", "vintage wedding dress", "backyard reception", and "exotic honeymoon"...its Bella and Edwards wedding! so very very unoriginal.
