Friday, October 2, 2009

This Week's Filming...

This week's filming was a lot of "behind closed doors"

Not that the Twilight Saga Eclipse filming has had any "open doors" but there have been sets that fans can observe within the rules of the production company.

I've seen other films, television shows and what not that you can literally walk right THROUGH the set (this is including the Zac Efron Set a few weeks ago!!!)

Twilight Movies are so strict and closed and protective and secretive - they almost CREATE the curiosity, desire and movtivation to try and go to sets and observe and decipher and understand and predict.... it's so funny.... the cast, the sets, the production is all this hidden treasure.... and people always want what they can't have - therein lies MORE hype and excitement about the film and the cast...

Anyhow - it was a busy week for the production crew and cast, though not much has been seen or heard of in the media.... this is because the set they were at most the week is very isolated and impossible to get to (as I blogged about earlier this week)

Monday was a new location that was (to my knowledge) just a one day shoot. Rob & Kristen had the day off and were rumoured to have been out for dinner with some fellow cast mates. It is funny how many rumours have erupted over what happened that night. I wasn't out. I didn't see them. There are no photos. I don't know.

Tuesday's Update was mostly where they spent the rest of the week. Forest. Dense. Green. Battle.

Wednesday's Update more Green, Battle, Forest... I am glad this scene is taking so long... It is a pivotal scene and I want it to be perfect ha ha!

Thursday quite a few cast members left. Dakota, Cam Bright, Charlie, Wolf-Pack, etc. Some went home, Some went to Chicago's TwiCon.

Today they are actually still filming. I usually do not reveal sets until after I know they wrap, however, this set, like the forest they have been at all week, it pretty impossible to get too.... it's Bella's House again...

I am saying this because #1 - I don't really blog for locals - locals can go to sets and do their own set reports if they wish. (Though many can't or don't and do read my blog, it's mostly out-of-town/province/country people) #2 - If people are in town and want to SEE Bella's house - you can't. They block it off so far back you will not get to see the house during filming. And if you go during filming, you likely won't see anything either, unless a cast member drives by and even then, sadly it's hit or miss and often a miss.

Anyhow - they are doing a few shots and I know Billy Burke is in town to film his last Eclipse Scenes.... sad.... I am hoping he is around this weekend and I can meet him as I do have a few plans downtown and will gladly take time out of my day to wander by his local hangouts for a pic and a hello if he's around :-)

Anyways - that's pretty much it for this week.

Rumours of possible weekend shooting... I really sense David Slade will wrap this film before the scheduled Halloween date... Thoughts? He is *amazingly efficient*

Have a Good Weekend & Thanks for Reading

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