Monday, November 16, 2009

More Red Carpet photos and my Fashion Thoughts

These are from and I have a lot to say about fashion - not that I am an expert (have you SEEN the crap i wear out LOL) but this is what I think....

A lot of the same RPattz Pix we have seen elsewhere - he pulled off the usual suit and tie tux style outfit he does for these kinds of events....

There were mixed reviews on Anna's outfit - I personally found it stunning.... she was a beauty. It made her look older, but not too old, and I really loved it honestly.

While Anna looked older than she is - Peter looked far younger - dashing young lad even ;) Though I really wanted to see Jennie on his arm...

**EDIT - she was there *phew* Her hair is interesting but super cute i really like it.

I effin LOVE Nikki Reed, but I didn't love this dress, I mean it's not BAD (for a day in the park lol) but for this event I think I would have prefered to see her glamed up a lil more...non? Someone said it was Peter Pan-ish - it's true... a lil too tree fairy-esque / pirate

Liz is always gorgeous, this seemed a tad too simple for my taste but she pulls it off fine and looks wonderful

JCB always has that same look - and it fits him so who's to complain? not i...

Seriously - Jackson is my new fave.... ever since my naughty dream and those sexy photos of him and Ashley making out on photo shoot... rawr!

Mike Sheen was well put together and looked nice on the red carpet

Oh Kellan - so glad to hav eyour blonde hair coming back and those eyes and those dimples.... he looked great

Ashley - red is her colour, well, she looks great in most outfits but when I first met her at a 100 Monkeys show she has this BRIGHT red lipstick and it just stoof out nicely on her... as does this beautiful dress

Love the shoulders of this dress

Dakota is a red carpet pro at such a young age - love her and this dress is super cute - fabulous

Taylor, like Rob, wore the traditional suit and tie - they pull it off well though so why fix or change what ain't broke - - and his teeth - white as always

Like a fairy princess - I know i hate on Kstew a lot - it is only because i ADORE her - - - but this dress was phenomenal... a tad too girlie for her usual style, but this was not a usual night and i think she was stunning and poised and just perfect!

Beautiful - her passion for the movie comes out so well in interviews, it is true it is like she thinks and can't quite get the words out right - but she is getting better and expressing her thoughts and I love it - -

And some more shots from

They looked great - and it's "their" movie so it was nice to see them hug and pose - though adding Rob to the mix may have been more pleasing for fans and media alike non?

and to wrap this post up - - some stereotypical Rob....



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