Monday, November 16, 2009

MTV Twilight Love Bites

Here are the clips and a few words....

Part 1

The "shutterbug" is the autograph hound turned paparazzi whose gf or wife or whatever because Kristen has yelled "Kristen you're a bitch" at Bobby Long concert. Her reasoning... Kstew rejected her for an autograph repeatedly.... the irony is that she finally DID get an autograph from Kristen... completeing her book signatures and increasing the value for re-sale. Anyways, his name is Justin and I don't know him well though I did see him around quite a bit. That's all I really have to say about him LOL

1:55 is me - shuddup - it was nearly 30 minutes of interview and they used THAT lol - ah well - the photo is actually of my friend Mel, RPattz and Me - but they cropped her out *sigh* This whole episode was presented as an MTV Twilight Special that looks at fans encounters with cast... clearly that was NOT the intention and likely why I got 5 seconds of fame versus the 30 minutes where I wouldn't gossip about their speculated love life.... ha ha

Catherin Hardwicke is totally selling out Rob and Kristen non? I mean - Twilight is over now - we are on to New Moon - her time is gone (tho will remain forever - don't get me wrong) but she seems to be grasping on by gossiping and exploiting Rob & Kristen non?

Part 2

They are pushing Robsten a lil too much LMAO - - it's almost annoying... there are some cute parts though... the "evidence" and "proof" is hilarious - you have to question some of these "experts" too eh? I am not saying some of that original interview footage isn't compelling.... but I still dunno... and I don't really care - much - ha ha ha (yet I devote this whole blog to discussing it - yup don't care one bit clearly ;) ha)

Part 3

So Robsten or not? Who know s- the world may never know but like I told MTV (though they didn't air it) As long as they keep making good movies I am happy - and if they are happy (together or apart) then the fans should be happy for them :)


1 comment:

  1. I have no insider knowlege, but my prediction is that after New Moon's been out for a while, it will become clear that Rob and Kristen are a couple, even if they won't talk about it.
