Friday, December 4, 2009

Cullen Fashion over the years... er...decades... um...century

I really like this look at fashion. If only someone could photoshop the actors faces into these outfits heheheheheh.

Here it is:

For the past month there has been some serious New Moon Madness going on. Since the movie release, there has been a little talk on fashion and bad wigs and such. So, I thought I'd take everyone back to when each Cullen was turned into a vampire. I'm going to show you the styles they may have wore that were popular in their times. Then I'm gonna show you what they wear today. I thought this would be really cool. I figured it would be a visual of just how long the Cullens have been around. Hope you all enjoy these pics.

This is what Carlisle Cullen may have dressed in when turned into a vampire:

This is what Esme Cullen may have dressed liked when she was turned:

This is what Rosalie Hale Cullen may have dressed like when she was turned into a vampire:

[Mandy's Mind - I think we will see a VERY similar outfit in Eclipse for Rosalie's flashback]

This is what Emmett Cullen may have dressed like when he was turned into a vampire:

This is what Jasper Hale Cullen may have dressed like when he was turned into a vampire:

{Mandy's Mind - I hope he looks like this in Eclipse during the flashback scenes when he *IS* turned]

This is what Alice Cullen may have dressed like when she was turned into a vampire:

This is what Edward Cullen may have dressed like when he was turned into a vampire:

This is the Cullens and there fashions now:

I would also like to add that I'm doing two giveaways. I'm giving away the New Moon or Twilight soundtrack on iTunes to the 7000 follower and I'm also doing a giveaway on New Years Eve. On New Years Eve, I'll come up with a cool contest to win Twilight the movie on iTunes. I just wanted to give back some of the love you guys have given me. Happy Holidays from your Twi-Guy.

Don't forget to give Eddie some love and follow him on Twitter @McFearless1


1 comment:

  1. great post Mandy. can't wait to see the period costumes in Eclipse
