Friday, December 4, 2009

PFach in NYC talks about Robsten

Peter Facinelli was out in the Big Apple on Wed and had this to say about

the pressure Rob & Kristen might be under:

Peter recently talked about what it means to come into this crazy level of fame being a bit older than some of his costars, saying, "It is easier for me to deal with now. I can't compare to Rob [Pattinson] and Kristen [Stewart] because I'm not with them on a day-to-day basis. But I can say that for me, when I was 23 or 24, I wouldn't have been able to handle this level of success. Being put under a microscope, I wouldn't have been able to process it. As you get older, you constantly try to find yourself, and in my early 20s I didn't have a full sense of me. But now, I've been with me for a lot longer."

[Pop Sugar]

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