Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fastest ER visit ever

Moving is never fun, but when you can't catcha break, it's even worse.

We were sick when we should have been packing, we were short-handed when we should have been moving and now as we unpack - still things don't go smoothly....

Wednesday evening my sister came to see the new place [and all the glorious half opened boxes] and my two-year old nephew got into the pots and pans and baking box and [accidently - he is 2 after all and obviously didn't know any better] tossed a ceramic pot lid at my 6 year old daughters head leading to a gush and squirt of bright red fluids in which even the Cullen`s would have a tough time resisting.

After seeing all the red my sister and I applied pressure to the wound which we couldn't see amongst all the blood but we knew was on her forhead somewhere then took her to the bathroom.

We called 911 and then called my husband who rushed home and actually beat the ambulance.

Amongst the panic I was trying to distract her from the blood dripping down her face and the obvious pain she was experiencing.

I talked a lot about things she liked.... Hannah Montana, Barbie, her newly painted room and.... Twilight...

The best line was probably when she said "there's so much blood" and I said "Edward would love this wouldn't he?" ha ha ha ha

She cracked a smile - it was adorable - even in crisis we share the Twilight bond.

The paramedics arrived & fixed her up temporarily and we went to the hospital where we had the fastest service ever.

I guess a child, a head wound and blood does that eh?

She was adament about not wanting stitches and though she likely would have taken about 3 - they agreed to try glue first and it worked - yay!

She asked the doctor what he was doing every step of the way so she could report back to her school friends ha ha.

They numbed her forehead first, gave her a teddy bear and then glued her up.... with that and some pain meds we were gone.


It was traumatic and scary, as a mom you always freak out a bit, but I am first aid trained and certified and my kiddo is one of the toughest lil ones I know (trust me, as a toddler it was crazy) and she is doing fine now.

Now she has a band-aid on her forehead and likely a scar to remind us all - today she couldn't wait to go to school to tell everyone her story ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. poor thing and it's so scary all that blood.
    my oldest fell against a tree when he was 2 1/2 and caught his eyebrow; that was not fun. than our 3rd fell and banged his eyebrow against a baseboard corner and same eyebrow
