Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Move is complete and it was adventurous....

I had been at my last place for 5 years and I am a hoarder... not the type you see on that disgusting show, though likely close.

You see I have kept so many things for so long, it's really quite shocking.

We donated away 32 bags of clothing and 8 boxes (and we are talking big boxes) of household items, not to mention several bags of shoes, toys, and other things.

We also got rid of a sectional couch, a spare bed, a set of lawn furniture, 3 dressers, 4 bookshelves, a recliner and tv stand....

Wow! That's sure a lot of stuff eh? Yet still I have too much stuff for this place (which is bigger than the last place) INCLUDING filling up my nice new built in storage that is approximately 4x5x10 feet

It's just a lot of stuff I don't need/use but can't bare to part with....

While I will not admit to the kinds of items I threw away (far more bags of garbage and junk than donated) here are some of the things I actually KEPT (don't judge me please!):

  • Primary School Book (you know those books where each grade has a page to fill out and an envelope to stick memorabilla in?)

  • Musical Scores (I used to play... clarinet *hides* and I have a lot of music for that as well as scores for my fave musicals.... shuddup)

  • 15 boxes of books (I have likely only read half - I buy and collect and gather and get given books and books and books.... and i never have time to read them all)

  • Diaries (I have all my old diaries since when I was 9 years old - yes 9!)

  • Baskets (My husband requested I add this to the list, he sees no reason to have baskets... I have all types.... not like easter baskets though I have a few of those, but like pretty baskets to put... you know... stuff in...)

  • VHS Tapes (I have 100s.... yes, we actually have a vcr though we never use it so these tapes are just sitting getting old an dlikely not in any shape to be viewed after sitting in storage, but i have so many, i dunno....)

    That's just a sample... ha!

    Anyways, moving went well - we downsized a lot and hope to some more.... our new place is so awesome.

    We painted our kiddo's room this beautiful purpley pink colour and got moved in..... but it wasn`t easy....

    A friend came over Monday Night and we drank and danced and packed till the wee-hours of the morning.

    Tuesday morning the three of us moved stuff over load after load.

    Tuesday evening after work friends joined us to move more stuff load after load.

    Wednesday in the wee-hours (1am) we finished

    Wednesday we spent the day at the old place trying to get cleaned up then at the new place unpacking and really accomplished very little.

    That evening we were in the ER

    Today we actually got a lot unpacked starting with the bar.

    I am so glad to be here and can't wait to finish unpacking so we can have a housewarming / holiday party and enjoy it.

    Back to regular blogging now ;)
  • 1 comment:

    1. moving truly truly sucks. we plan on moving in about 2yrs and already the thought of all the packing etc terrifies me
