Monday, December 14, 2009

IMDB shows Star Meter Ratings with Twilight Cast in Top 10, Inc. (, the author­i­ta­tive source of infor­ma­tion on movies, TV and celebri­ties, today unveiled the top 25 stars of 2009 as deter­mined by the site’s more than 57 mil­lion unique monthly vis­i­tors. For com­plete details on this year’s A-listers visit and for the Top 100 STARme­ter list for 2009 and 2008 visit here

Robert Pat­tin­son, who plays teen vam­pire Edward Cullen in the wildly pop­u­lar “Twi­light” saga, is STARmeter’s No. 1 celebrity. STARme­ter, a tool that ranks celebri­ties’ pop­u­lar­ity among’s vis­i­tors over the year, reported that Pat­tin­son attracted the most inter­est, vault­ing him from No. 33 on last year’s list, to the top spot for 2009, end­ing Johnny Depp’s five-year dom­i­na­tion at No. 1.

Pat­tin­son isn’t the only “New Moon” star on the rise, how­ever. Kris­ten Stew­art, who plays Edward’s soul mate Bella, is at No. 2. Stewart’s ascen­dency isn’t as abrupt or rapid as Pattinson’s. She was No. 8 on last year’s STARme­ter rank­ing, reg­is­ter­ing more quickly with users with the first film in the series, “Twi­light,” than her co-stars.

“Team Jacob” didn’t dis­ap­point him as Tay­lor Laut­ner, who plays the shirt­less lycan­thrope Jacob Black, again from “New Moon,” rounds out the top five. Laut­ner bumps out last year’s No. 5, Angelina Jolie, who ends up at No. 12.

Another special treat - Rob is on the home page of today!

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