Sunday, December 13, 2009

SNL with Taylor Lautner

Overall, I think Taylor did a fantastic job on SNL. I loved all the different wigs, accents/voices, faces, characters.

See all the videos here

By far my most favourite was the Team Edward & Team Jacob debate. *Click to view* It was hilarious to see him as a girl, in a Team Edward tee, kissing his "edward" binder.

Even funnier was his references to himself, such as "those are fake abs" and "If those are real abs,, the dude who plays him deserves an Oscar." I too... "wanna bake cookies on his stomache" RAWR!

Other memorable lines were "Jacob smells like a wet dog" and "Edward is a boy...Then why does he sparkle like a princesses tiara" and "does she really think she will end up with a fictional character? .... not think... know" and lastly... "sorry, notebooks are for notes not for kissing"

The Show Choir was my next favourite. Taylor was a foreign kid with an accent and he was singing and dancing and it was HILARIOUS!!!

The christmas holiday "we are having a baby" skit was awkward and over done in my opinion, the yogurt/dating skit had funny moments but didn't stand out much to me.

Bon Jovi was good, Taylor was awesome, I really enjoyed it over all.

If you haven't seen it or just want to see it again.... check out the youtube videos here or the NBC videos here [The only difference is the player and often youtube get's pulled to push hits to NBC's site]

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