According to the Cast of Twilight …
“Twilight.” At the mere sound of this eight-letter word, we hear teen girls all across the world squeal in delight. As Michael Welch (who plays Mike Newton) puts it, an iconic thing like Twilight is rare: “There are only a few of these in a generation.”
After the success of the first movie, fans are anxiously awaiting the second installment of this insanely popular saga, New Moon, set to be released on November 20th. Just last month, Youthink got exclusive interviews with some of the cast, and I got the chance to talk to Anna Kendrick (Jessica Stanley), Michael Welch (Mike Newton), Alex Meraz (Paul), Edi Gathegi (Laurent), Justin Chon (Eric Yorkie),and Christian Serratos (Angela Weber) about all things Twilight.
ANNA KENDRICK (Jessica Stanley)
YT: Tell us about New Moon. Why should teens go see it?
AK: Well, um, it’s a vampire werewolf love triangle. I can’t imagine what teens wouldn’t like.
YT: What was your favourite scene to shoot in the movie?
AK: There’s a scene where Jessica and Bella go to the movies and Jessica, being her typical self, kind of doesn’t stop talking about herself. And that was a really fun little monologue to shoot. We did that all as just one take. I’m looking forward to what exactly I said while I just continually rambled while the camera rolled.
YT:That must’ve been fun. How was it working with a different director from Twilight?
AK: It’s fun ... I mean, one of the really interesting perk on working with this franchise, we got to work with Catherine Hardwicke, Chris Weitz and now David Slade. It’s not a bad gig. Chris was a really cool guy. He liked to kind of let us play in the same way that Catherine let us play. From everything that I hear, he did a great job, from the cast that has seen it. They say it looks amazing.
YT: I’m excited to see it too. What was it like playing Jessica? Are you guys similar in any way?
AK: You know, I think I certainly was a far cry from the alpha female type when I was in high school, to the point where I wasn’t really even sure that I should be playing the character. I was kind of surprised that I was cast. But, it’s a fun world to escape into. I think Jessica represents all the kind of petty aspects of ourselves. I think Bella is who we aspire to be and Jessica is the part of ourselves we try to hide away. As far as being a fashionista and kind of boy-crazy girl, I was certainly not like that in high school.
YT: Cool, that’s good to know. So, what was it like filming in Vancouver?
AK: It’s beautiful here! So beautiful. Portland and Oregon, Washington were beautiful too, but we’re having a great time here. A lot of locations that they’re shooting at are absolutely breathtaking.
YT: Did you know Twilight was such a big phenomenon before you started filming?
AK: No, no, we did not. I mean, we knew the books had a really loyal following. But it’s always hard to tell how much of that is just a few really intense fans or if it’s actually a bigger phenomenon. None of us were prepared for the reaction. I mean, it was a fun surprise.
YT: How did your family and friends react to the Twilight fever?
AK: I think they are kind of as baffled as I was, and I constantly get text messages from friends saying they just saw a life-sized cut-out of Edward Cullen, and they see girls with Twilight t-shirts and I mean, you know we all kind of have that same reaction. Like, we just can’t believe it.
YT: How do you guys get along as a cast?
AK: Great! Everybody’s so friendly and we’ve been really lucky with so many young people, especially young people who are kind of becoming overnight sensations. Everybody stayed really down-to-earth and cool. It’s a joy to work with them.
YT: So, since Twilight, how has your career changed as an actor? What have been the benefits?
AK: You know, as far as a direct change, I’m not really sure. I mean, I think there’s been a lot more people stopping me in the street and stuff. You know, it’s a lot more people wanting to take pictures with me, which is equally strange.
YT: What do you see happening in the future? Will you be acting in the upcoming sequels?
AK: Well, we’re shooting Eclipse right now. But, you know, they don’t tell us anything about Breaking Dawn, because they want to keep us guessing.
YT: Tell us about New Moon. Why should teens go and see it?
MW: Well, if you liked Twilight (laughs), you’ve got all the same characters you’ve grown to love and plus of course we’re bringing in the wolf pack. And, I can just tell you overall it’s going to be a much better film, I think there was a lot more put into the production quality and the value, and you know, I gotta tell you, Taylor has worked really hard to look really good. So, if you need any more incentive ... (laughs)
YT: Well, what was your favourite scene to shoot in the movie?
MW: My favourite scene was the three-way date at the movies between Bella, Jacob, and Mike. Mike had asked Bella out to go see a movie, and she tried to turn it into a group thing, and it ended up being the worst possible scenario. The horribly awkward three-way date. And of course, for those who have read the book, Mike gets sick and it’s just - it doesn’t turn out well for Mike, as usual. So, probably not a whole lot of fun for Mike to experience, but it was certainly a lot of fun for me to do.
YT: Since Twilight, how has your career changed as an actor?
MW: Yeah, I mean, I’ve been acting since I was a little kid and it’s my life. It’s what I love to do. But, nothing has come along that has been even close to Twilight. I’ve been getting all kinds of opportunities that I probably otherwise wouldn’t have gotten. I was just recently able to play a lead in a film which was a really great experience, and you know probably for the rest of my life, any role I get from here on, I will be able to at least partially attribute to Twilight. So, I’m very grateful to be a part of it.
YT: How was it like working with a different director from Twilight?
MW: It’s cool, I mean Catherine was a really great director. She’s very smart. Her style is almost on the verge of being chaotic, which is an interesting way of working. But it works well for her, and we sort of figure it out as we go along.
But this new director, Chris Weitz, is the exact opposite. He is very meticulous in terms of planning and preparations. He gave everyone a binder like fifty pages long, explaining what he wants the film to look like, feel like, what his vision is, and what he expects from all of us, which sort of gave us all an idea of what to expect, so we were all on the same page. So, by the time we got on the set, it was just a very relaxed and calm atmosphere, and everything was mapped out for us. So, we just had to show up and have a good time. So, it was a totally different experience. I mean, both were really great.
YT: How much like Mike Newton are you? Are you a hopeless romantic like him?
MW: I am (laughs), I do consider myself a hopeless romantic. Like Mike, I had a very similar experience in high school. There was a girl that I was totally head over heels in love with who just happened to be in love with somebody else. So, it was sort of very easy for me to tap into that aspect of Mike at least. But, things worked out great for me. In high school, because everything is so heightened, you just assume that, you know, you’ll never find somebody who you'll feel that way about again. I certainly did, there’s somebody I’ve been with for almost four years now. And I’m sure Mike will too. (laughs)
YT: What was it like filming in Vancouver?
MW: Oh, it’s great. I love Vancouver! This is probably my fifth or sixth time in Vancouver and it’s a really great city. It’s got a good energy and it’s really young. It’s just a lot to do and a lot of really good food and places to hang out and it’s just a great little city.
YT: Did you know Twilight was such a big thing before you started filming?
MW: Well, you know, I knew that it was a very successful series of books, but you never really know how that kind of success is going to translate into films. So, I think we all had an idea that there was potentially something really great here. But I don’t think any of us were able to anticipate the kind of response we got. I think it’s difficult to see something like this coming. I mean, I think at this point we know probably, a little more what to expect for New Moon. Twilight was like brand new for all of us.
YT: How do you guys get along as a cast?
MW: Very well. For those of us who were in the original movie, we’ve all sort of gone through this journey together. None of us really had a taste of fame coming into it and it’s been a great bonding experience for all of us to be on the same path and to go through a similar thing. Everybody who’s been brought on, like the wolf pack guys, for New Moon are fantastic, and now that we’re working on the third film, the cast is even bigger. You know, we just welcome people in with open arms. It’s like a big extended family at this point.
YT: Have you read all the books yourself?
MW: I’ve read the first three. I’ve tried to just read one book at a time as we’re doing the films, because I didn’t want to get ahead of the story, in case there were any major revelations that happened, but I get the sense with Mike, you know, probably (laughs) not a lot of changes are going to happen over time, particularly, you know, to the fourth book. I don’t think that Mike is going to go through a whole lot. I just made that decision early on, and I’m just sticking to that.
YT: What do you see happening in the future? Will you be acting in the upcoming sequels?
MW: You know, I don’t know. I certainly hope so. But you know, either way, I’m just grateful that I got to have a small part in this incredibly, I don’t know, this thing that has turned into an iconic little franchise, you know. Something like this doesn’t come around very often. It’s just a few of these in a generation, and I just couldn’t be happier to be a part of it.
YT: So, tell us about New Moon. Why should teens go and see it?
AM: Why should teens go and see it? Um, (laughs) because it’s good.
EG: Short and sweet.
AM: No, no. I want to say something, but I’m afraid it’s going to come out sounding pompous. I think they should see it if they are interested and it’s a really good romance story with a lot of action and adventure.
YT: What was it like filming in Vancouver?
EG: Uh, (laughs) it was cold.
AM: Yeah, it was very cold. And you know, I’m shirtless throughout all my scenes and the whole point of it was to act like I was warm in all my scenes.
YT: How do you guys get along as a cast?
EG: I think we get along wonderfully.
AM: Yeah, we’re all young adults that are passionate about the work, and everybody has a great attitude, so people are easy to connect with.
EG: Definitely. I agree.
YT: Did you know Twilight was such a big phenomenon while filming?
AM: I’m sure Edi knew! (laughs) Because the first one was probably not as crazy as the second one, would you say?
EG: Yeah, I guess.
YT: How did your family and friends react to the Twilight fever?
AM: For me, my family didn’t even know what Twilight was, to tell you the truth. They’re more into crazy, you know, adult kind of films. You know, just different things. But, when they looked into it and once Twilight came out onto DVD and they watched it, they were like “Oh my god. This is really good!” And they were really happy and excited and proud for me to be a part of it. So, now, they’re very supportive.
YT: How is it like working with a different director from Twilight?
EG: Well, every movie I’ve ever done has a different director, so the idea that it’s got to have the same director is just because it’s the same series. But, it just feels like I’m working on another project. It’s natural to me.
YT: Since Twilight and New Moon, how have your careers changed as actors?
EG: I’m totally famous now (laughs). You know, you get to travel a lot, you get to see different parts of the world, meet different people and it has opened many doors career-wise for me.
AM: Yeah, for me as well. That’s what this franchise has brought to a lot of actors that are involved with it. You know, a lot of really good, solid opportunities.
YT: Last question: What do you see happening in the future? Will you be acting in the upcoming sequels?
EG: Alex will.
AM: Um, yeah. I will because you know, I kill off Edi. (laughs) With the help of like thirty other werewolves. (laughs)
EG: I can’t really speak on other stuff. Right now, I’m just focused on New Moon and the work we did on it was great.
YT: So, tell us about New Moon. Why should teens go and see it?
JC: New Moon is awesome! It’s going to be a great film! I’m positive Chris Weitz has done an amazing job! He’s a really good director, and he’s experienced in this type of film with a lot of action, so we’re both excited to see it ourselves.
YT: What was it like working with Chris Weitz, who was a different director from Twilight?
CS: It’s been great. We’re working with really awesome people and we’re getting to hang out with each other again, so it’s great.
JC: And they just bring different perspectives, and you know, I just again think Chris has done an amazing job. He’s really going to bring the werewolves to life and accentuate the conflict between Bella, Jacob, and Edward.
YT: What was your favourite scene to shoot in the movie?
JC: I think we’re really looking forward to Bella’s cliff dive, and also Jacob riding his motorcycle.
YT: Cool, I’m excited to see that, too! What was it like filming in Vancouver?
JC: Vancouver is great! You know, the air’s so clean here.
CS: We’re up by the water, and there’s so many interesting eateries.
JC: People are nice. And the weather’s actually better than it was in Portland and Washington.
YT: How do you guys get along as a cast?
JC: Oh, we’re all great friends.
YT: Did you know Twilight was such a big phenomenon before you started filming?
JC: No! I had no idea. If I’d known, the way I would have auditioned would have been different because it would’ve been too much pressure.
CS: I messed up my audition.
YT: But you still got the part! How did your family and friends react to the Twilight fever?
CS: They’re very supportive. Yeah, my family has been extremely supportive. Everyone’s hooting and hollering, and saying “Good job.”
JC: My sister’s a huge fan of the books, so she couldn’t even believe I was a part of this thing. She invited herself to the first premiere. Hopefully, she doesn’t force her way into making me take her to the New Moon premiere, too.
YT: What’s your favourite quote from the Twilight books?
CS: When Edward left Bella the note on her pillow saying, “Look after my heart. I’ve left it with you.”
YT: That one is adorable. Since Twilight and New Moon, how have your careers changed as actors?
JC: I think it’s pretty similar right now. I’m definitely an auditioning actor. So, you know, I’m still auditioning. It’s opened doors, though, so people can take a second look at my work. I’m looking forward to going back, and getting back out there. Seeing what else there is for me out there.
YT: Last question: What do you see happening in the future? Will you be acting in the upcoming sequels?
CS: Yeah, I would love to. You know, that would be fantastic.

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