Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Candace Charee' meets Newborn Vampire from Eclipse

The awesome Candace Charee' is in L.A this week for the Grammy's and met an up and coming actor from the Twilight Saga Eclipse.

Candace Charee' twitpict this photos:

Me with the super hot!!!!Jordn Lee! He is a new born Vampire in Eclipse! Gave him my CD! He is sooo nice!!! I am going to see him again at the House of Blues Grammy Party!

Super exciting, I hope Candace has fun in L.A. and gets her next big break.... she is such a talented singer and songwriter... Check out her Music Here She is hoping to get a song on the Eclipse soundtrack.... I vote for "The Smell of your skin" for Breaking Dawn Isle of Esme scenes ;) THOUGHTS?

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