Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stephenie Meyer recommends Dear John

I am excited for Dear John. I bought the book today (finally in stock) and hope to finish it before next Wednesday when I am going to see Dear John in theatres.

Stephenie Meyer wrote:
Finally, a movie recommendation: Dear John comes out Friday the fifth of February. Thanks to my cool friend Wyck (who many of you have seen in various Twilight Saga interviews, as he is one of the producers on our movies, and who is a producer on Dear John) I got to see this one early. I will confess, I cried. Also, I discovered Channing Tatum, who I've somehow missed until now. Likey. Lots. Amanda Seyfried is entrancing as always, and the chemistry (chemistry is always the crux of a movie for me) between them is lovely. Though the chemistry between Channing Tatum and Richard Jenkins (who plays his father) was my favorite part.

Oh Stephenie, how could you have missed Channing til now - - - it's a shame... I too likey. LOTS!


I am thrilled to be going to see the screenin gon Wednesday February 3 with my hubby, who actually agreed to go see the movie, knowing very-well that I will drool, and sob, and bawl.... should he change his mind one of my bff's will come and I know for a fact he will appreciate Channing Tatum as much as I do ;) [We both adore him]

I am really glad to hear Ms. Meyer enjoyed the movie, oh to be friends with Wyck Godfrey heh heh ;)

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