Thursday, January 21, 2010

Channing Tatum on Twitter.

So I am fangirling, just a tad.

Channing Tatum is like my Rob Pattinson.... yes, I love Twilight but I am Team Channing through and through - since forever.

Anyways, you can imagine my excitment to get an @ reply from him yesterday on twitter. My husband made fun of me acting like a lil' school girl.

@channingtatum I will post one soon. - Q RT @maliciousmandy1: where can I find a list of upcoming appearences/talkshows etc? Can't miss anything Channing<3

Then today, I was even more thrilled to see he had DM'd me. His twitter page said

"Want to see an exclusive @DearJohnMovie clip? Top followers will receive a special message from me and an new clip via DM soon"

I guess I am one of the Top Followers - exciting!!!!! Here is the DM...

So I got my DM and the only thing left is a hug from him... heck, just to see him in person.... I am going to email @TheEllenShow and see if she can make my dreams come true ha ha

If you want to see the twitter exclusive trailer he sent Click Here

1 comment:

  1. i"m twilighter indonesia.....i like twilight, new moon ,eclipse.breaking dawn
