Thursday, January 21, 2010

Teen Stars make appearences in support of the George Caceres Foundation

Booboo Stewart signs autogrpahs for charity in Vancouver.

Booboo Stewart
Metropolis at Metrotown
Vancouver, Canada
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Here's a list of cities various teen stars will be making appearences for the George Caceres Foundation. For complete details See the website. Thanks @Robbedmyheart for the heads up.

Calgary, Canada
Vancouver, Canada
Montreal, Canada
Toronto, Canada
Las Vegas, NV
San Jose, CA
Charlotte, NC
Houston, TX
Dallas, TX
Miami, FL
Milwaukee, WI
Buffalo, NY
Raleigh, NC
Washington, DC
London, United Kingdom
Manchester, United Kingdom
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Paris, France
Dublin, Ireland
San Juan, Puerto Rico

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