Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Director's Cut of Eclipse ready for screening...

Twilight Examiner posted this:

Despite what might've been murmured around the forum rumor mill, the first screening ofThe Twilight Saga: Eclipse - by "anyone out of editorial" that is - is happening now, according to a recent update issued by the film's director, David Slade.

According to him, today is a "big day" as the first "director's cut" is at "phase 1" with the studio's first screening of the film.

After months and months of reading Slade's countless updates about the post-production process (which seems, by the way, incredibly taxing and tedious), it seems that things are finally coming to a head and the editing process is nearing completion.

A director's cut of a film, of course, is not the final cut (and it probably won't even be made available to the public). The final cut is usually reserved for someone in the studio, who can make a few adjustments here and there to make the film more presentable in the box office. Those changes, for the most part, are not usually drastic. (Obviously, with varying studio interests and agendas, that statement is a heavily case-by-case matter. Who's to say how many changes will be necessary for Eclipse.)

For the meantime, though, this news means that things are progressing in the completion arena. While that doesn't necessarily give us any indication of when we should expect the first trailer for the film (though prior speculations may still be applicable), it does mean that the film is that much closer to being finished and ready for the theaters!

Very exciting, huh? Oh to be a fly on the screening room wall .


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