Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Interview with Candace Charee'

Team Edward POV Website did an amazing interview with the fabulous Candace Charee'. Candace and I became friends through Twilight when we met at the Creation Twilight Tour Convention in Seattle.

She is very talented with a bright future and I am thrilled for her. Here is the interview the Team Edward POV Website conducted with Candace Charee'.

Q. What urge you to want to be part of the Twilight Family?
A. I was brought to the Twilight Family as soon as I gave in and finally read the books. My sister in law tried to get me to read the books for 6 months! I however wasn't interesting in reading about vampires! I saw the trailer for Twilight one day and then I decided I would read the books after seeing Robert Pattinson (lol)

Q. Through lyrics you can pass a whole lot of messages and ideas. Some of the most rebelious stages started through music. To what extend do you agree and why?
A. I think if a people is feeling repressed, music is a great way to get your point across using a perfect platform. Many Artists such as Greenday have done just that.

Q. As a musician you probably like a lot of music. Can you tell us at least one of your favourite artists? And have they influenced you in any way?
A. If I were to say a female artist it woulg probably be Pink and Carrie Underwood. Pink has a way of writing that brings you into her world in a raw emotional way. Carrie has an amazing voice and writes incredible music. I have so many others but those 2 females have really influenced me.

Q. If you are given a chance to write a song to or collaborate with, which musician would it be and why?
A. Great question!I would collaborate with Justin Timberlake! He is probably my all time fav male artist! His music and voice is amazing! I hope to make that dream a reality soon.

Q. As an artist you must have some kind of anecdote that is worth telling, would you mind sharing one with us?
A. In high school I was in a badn and we had a performace and while on stage I forgot the song lyrics (we sang covers) so I sang the same line 4 times!!! I was so embarrassed! I think to this day forgetting lyrics is my biggest musical fear!

Q. If anyone from the Twilight Cast would like to pursue a music career, what kind of advice will you tell him/her? Would you be his/her advisor to guide them through?

A. I would tell them to write music that is real and vulnerable. Music that the fans can relate to and fall in love with. Yes, I would be their advisor if they asked!

Q. You write so many beautiful songs, where do you get your inspiration from?

A. My inspiration always starts with real life experience and then turns into a song that works with the Twilight Saga. I cannot write music related to Twilight unless I can personally relate to it.

Q. Would you want to write a song for Breaking Dawn?
A. Yes If Summit asked me too. However, many people think that " The Smell of Your Skin" is perfect for the Isle Esme scene.

Q. If you were given the opportunity to have dinner with one of the Twilight Saga Cast, who would it be?
A. Well I had the opportunity to have drinks (water for me) with Mike Welch and Justin Chon and that was amazing! They are both wonderful genuine people! So, other than that I would say Kristen. I think she is fascinating! I would love to sing with her. She has a fabulous voice.

Q. You have always love singing but since when you know that it's going to be a career more than just a passion?
A. I started to pursue a music career for the first time when I was 18 in Nashville. I was there for 10 months and had to move home for family reasons. I gave up on my dreams, got married and had a baby. It wasn't until I read Twilight that I felt compelled to write again. I wrote my first song released it and the fans loved it! I then knew I could possibly make a career living in Arizona. Since then things have just taken off.

Q. If music hadn't been your passion and you had decided not to pursue a music career, what would you have done instead?
A. I can't imagine a life without music. That has been my passion since I was 12 months old. So that is hard question for me to answer.

Q. Lately in the Music Business we see more focus on the physical appearance of the performer rather than on the actual talent. How do you feel about that tendency? Do you think it affects performers with actual talent?
A. That aspect of the Industry bothers me so much! I hate that our world is so superficial and some people would rather see a beautiful person on stage with no talent than a person who can sing their butt off but might not be as "perfect"

Q. If you could collaborate with Stephenie Meyer would you take her opinion / suggestion in a song you would write?
A. Yes for sure, I would listen to everything she had to say! I thnk she would have great ideas!

Q. We know your cause (and support it) to enter Twilight Saga's Soundtrack. Next movie is Eclipse. What would be your reaction if you were part of it?
A. I think the first thing I would do is cry and jump up and down! Then, I would call all my friends and family, then If I was allowed to tell my fans I would

Q. What part of the Twilight Saga Inspired you the most for your songs (apart from Edward's abs)?
A. LOL! I would say it was the Love Story. The pain and sorrow from being in love and confused. That has helped me write songs that I feel everyone can relate too!

Q. These days you have a full schedule. You have been in several Twilight Conventions and met some of the cast but also Chris Weitz. What do you want to share with us about them?
A. The people I met from the cast are so amazing, nice and wonderful! They are very down to earth and humble. Michael Welch in person is much better looking (!) and he is actually pretty shy. You wouldn't guess that if you have seen him dancing on stage with me, but he is pretty timid. At least that is how he was with me.

Justin Chon is energetic and super funny in person! Very much like his charatcter. Chaske Spenser is very warm and chill. He is super nice and down to earth. Edi Gathegi is funny and knows he is a hottie !!!
Gil Birmingham is super genuine, warm, kind hearted and humble! I love Gil!
Some of the other cast I didn't actually get to speak with but I will tell you Peter (Facinelli) is super, giving of his time and so sweet and genuine! He introduced me in Seattle for my concert and it was like 11:30 at night. He was very tired but stayed up to do that! What a nice guy! Chaske was also with him introducing me!

Chris Weitz is amazing! He is so humble, sweet and genuine too! When I told him we wanted him for Breaking Dawn, he told me "Well you have to see New Moon first to make sure you like it." I told him "We have seen enough to know we will love it (from trailers)". He laughed and said "Thank you and that he appreciates the support".

Q. Looking back in your life, do you believe that now you are stronger to succeed your dream?
A. Yes!! When an young artist starts out they think I am going to be famous over night! One person will hear my music and will sign to me! I have learned not to be so naive and realized that you cannot trust everyone in the Entertainment Industry. Also you have to be strong and keep those you trust very close to you.



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