Friday, January 22, 2010

Help for Haiti Telethons Tonight - and Robert Pattinson Pix

It's great Robert Pattinson came out of hiding for a good cause, but I really thought shaving would be a good idea... and this was weeks ago when we last saw photos of him just after Christmas.... now... well.. now it's getting out of control...

Lainey Gossip posted this:

In London tonight apparently returning to his hotel (this is what the photo agency says) after presenting duties for Hope For Haiti Now. Taped, I guess, due to the time difference. Pattinson looks MUCH older than 17. They better get their sh-t together on Breaking Dawn soon. Never mind, adherence to logic never mattered to Twi-Hards.

This is the most hirsute I’ve ever seen him. Covering up the pretty. But the pretty is what makes the girls and the moms go squee. I would have told him to shave. There’s a subtle effect on the pocketbook. They say that we respond to beauty. It’s an unconscious reaction. Try to put away your bias for a minute and admit – it’s not his best face.

Either way, pretty or not, it's great he got involved and I hope everyone gets involved and donates.


Hope for Haiti Now has information and links to donate.

And for Canada please go to Canada for Haiti where The Canadian Government will match the contributions of individual Canadians — up to a total of $50 million dollars!

Tonight Canada for Haiti will have a one hour telethon with a bunch of Canadian Celebrities, followed by the 2 hour telethon Hope for Haiti Now puton by George Clooney and a ton of other celebrities.





  1. I was reading that the beard was for his role in Bel Ami. Lord I hope so cause the beard needs to go otherwise!!

  2. Check out what I had to say about that...baahhaa...
    PS did u see the post previous to it when I gave you a shout out?

  3. He's growing it out for Bel Ami
