Friday, January 22, 2010

Howard Shore to Compose Score for Twilight Saga Eclipse

Movie Score Magazine reports that "Howard Shore is on board to compose the original score for the third film in the Twilight series, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse."

They go on to say:

The Lord of the Rings composer is going to write the music for the film, following in the footsteps of Carter Burwell (who scored the first film in 2008) and Alexandre Desplat (who wrote the music for the second, New Moon). Shore has begun work, spotting the movie, this week.

Howard Shore is, of course, best known for the Tolkien trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, an epic work that is currently touring the world in concert form, performed live to projection. Shore also recently rescored the Mel Gibson action thriller Edge of Darkness for Warner Bros, replacing John Corigliano. This film is opening in the US next week.

Mandy's Mind - I am quite excited for this news and can't wait to hear what he does with it. There will be so much emotion, the music, combined of course with the acting, really evokes emotion in a film. Is it June yet?

[Movie Score Magazine via @themarina]

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