Sunday, January 3, 2010

Screen Caps and Trailer for Rings of the Nibelungs aka Dark Kingdom starring Robert Pattinson

Isn't this the role he poked fun of himself for recently on a late night talkshow?

I don't know why I was thinking those first 2 could be Rob & Kristen NYE - cuz Kristen would SO sport those braids?!?!? as if!!! ha!

Thinking of Rob posted this:

Rings of the Nibelungs also known in the US as Dark King­dom — The Dragon King, was one the first movies Rob played in. He had played in the movie Van­ity Fair before this but his parts were deleted (you can find his VF scenes in the DVD bonus fea­tures of Van­ity Fair).

In Rings of the Nibelungs Rob plays the role of Gisel­her the brother of King Gun­ther and Princess Kriemhild who idol­izes a black­smith called Siegfried.

Here is the trailer also:


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