Sunday, January 3, 2010

Twilight Lexicon's take on the "Eclispe Screening" Rumours

I did a post last night on this rumour that Eclipse is being test screened to the public... it seems unlikely and I am not the only one who feels this waty

Twilight Lexicon weighs in on the rumours of an "Eclipse Screening":

Last night rumor ran wild on the Internet about there being a public, pre-screening of Eclipse. After laughing really hard, Pel’s reaction was, “No one is test screening ANYTHING right now. They’re all watching Avatar & saying I’m gonna get you James Cameron and your little dog too. If they’re test screening Eclipse this weekend then I’m having a full frontal threesome snog with Peter Facinelli and Billy Burke.”

The reason for this is that is doesn’t make any kind of sense for them to publicly test screen what is going to be one of the hottest movies of 2010 6 months ahead of time during Christmas Week when no one is working. They don’t need to test screen Eclipse 6 months out as a rough cut with CGI not in place in front of a general audience. They do that with little known indies that they aren’t sure are going to make it, not one of the biggest summer blockbusters of 2010. Will the have company insiders and cast members see it? Sure. Not unknown audience members.

This then lead to a discussion of when will we see a trailer or teaser. David Slade recently said he’d have a New Year’s surprise, so what could that surprise be. Here’s what we think is likely and what isn’t. we have no insider info here. we haven’t been tipped off. This is our opinion based on usual industry standards, analyzing opinions of experts, and our experience.

Trailer out at Golden Globes: Not Likely

■As much as we love the Twilight Saga, the Golden Globes isn’t a Twilight kind of film. The news stories coming off of the Globes are all going to be about who won, who should have won, and what this now means for the Oscar race. In short, they aren’t really looking to mention anyone’s trailer. It would take a backseat, and when you have a movie like Eclipse, you want that to be the lead story.

Trailer out at People’s Choice Awards: Not Likely

■Now unlike the Golden Globes this is EXACTLY the kind of awards show where you might see a Twilight Saga trailer debut. However, timing is everything. The People’s Choice Awards are on January 6th. If we were going to be seeing something Eclipse the PR moguls would have put the word out already.

Trailer out for Remember Me: Likely

■March 12 is a great time for a trailer to debut. New Moon will be winding down it’s box office run, and they’ll want to focus on the next best thing.

■Unlike Bandslam, which really no one wanted to see teens or adults–let alone see because a trailer was playing in front of it, the word on the forums is that everyone is interested in Remember Me. The Remember Me trailer that aired in front of New Moon sealed it. Robert Pattison playing moody bad boy redeemed by Emile DeRavin with father Pierce Brosnan—we’re having a hard time finding a downside to this movie.

■This brings up the question, will the trailer get taped and go viral online? No question about it; however, if it’s also in front of a movie that people are actually more interested in they also opt to see it on the big screen as well as play it online over, and over again.

Trailer on New Moon DVD: Likely

■Amazon and other distribution sources are putting the DVD release at mid-March. This makes sense given the timing of the Twilight DVD.

■Again talking about timing we’re putting to rest one product and moving towards the next, kind of a no brainer. On top of that think sales/rentals 20 years from now. You want to get your audience to rent/buy the sequel. How do you ensure that? Put a teaser on the DVD features.
So what the heck was David Slade Tweeting about? Taking a guess here, we are going to go for three possibilities. One, a still from the movie. Two, the date the teaser/trailer will air. Three, a look at a character driven movie poster.

Read my post on this issue here.

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