Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tennessean interviews Peter Facinelli

Tennessean did an interview with PFach recently. Here's the story:

Peter Facinelli plays Carlisle Cullen, the father of the vampire clan around which the plot of the Twilight saga swirls. He's a veteran actor with a career stretching back over 15 years, and since taking on the Twilight role, he's embraced the fan community by releasing an iPhone app that "bites" your friends, altering their likenesses into vampire style, and staying in contact with followers through Twitter and online chats. He'll be at the convention this weekend to sign autographs and pose for photo ops, and he took a few moments to tell us what it's like living inside the Twilight storm.

What are these conventions like for you?

Whenever you have something in common and get together and share your excitement, it's a great thing. There are Q-and-As with the actors; you get to take pictures with them, get autographs, signatures with them. For me, it's a fun way to connect with the fans and just have a moment where they can ask questions.

I'm a fan of the books, and I actually enjoy getting together with other fans of the books. When I was a kid growing up, if I looked up to somebody, if I could have been sitting down with Paul Newman to talk about Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, that would have been really exciting. I look at it the other way around now, being able to sit down with fans of the movies. I love to be able to give back, in that sense.

Is it intimidating, having to answer questions from such a well-informed fan base?

They're trying to get your take on how you approach the character. It's more along the lines of what they don't know: What were our favorite scenes to film, what it was like working with the directors. It's not so much quizzing for details, but filling in some of the gaps of the things they don't know.

When you're in between projects and you move on to other projects, you can forget some of the details, but while I'm shooting, I'm the foremost expert on the books and the fans. I'll go back and reread the books three or four times before we start the next one.

Why appear at these conventions?

The fan base has been like no other project that I've done. I have a sense of wanting to give back to that fan base because I feel like they've given so much to me. I've gone to these conventions and people will fly in from other states and from other countries. When you have a fan base that's that loyal, I like to give back.

Is it hard to protect your privacy these days?

It's a little more difficult when it comes to paparazzi. Sometimes you just want to take a bicycle ride down the street with your kids and there's a photographer there, and that's kind of invasive, but I've never felt invaded by the fans. I don't mind sharing information with them because I'm a family man and I have three kids. I've learned a lot along the way, and I think I can pass some of that along.

What projects are you working on right now?

I'm doing a show on Showtime called Nurse Jackie. We just finished the second season and it should be airing in March. I've optioned a script to the Hallmark Channel. . . . It's a romantic comedy that I wrote for my wife (actress Jennie Garth). I probably wouldn't be in it because I have other things going on, but I'd love to see her do it.

Mandy's Mind - I love that he has never felt invaded by fans, because, to me, he is the most fan-friendly and it's just nice to hear he enjoyes that. For more on his Q & A from Seattle Twilight Convention go here

Also there is a short video clip From Seattle Here

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