Thursday, February 18, 2010

American Idol Drama - as always....

I am confused.

So last night on American Idol Chris Golightly was announced as being in the Top 24. Then, it seemed he had a record deal already and therefore was disqualified. Then, it seems, his contract was up before he auditioned, but they'd already replaced him with Tim Urban so - too bad so sad.

Ryan Seacrest tweeted the news this morning. Several Gossip and Entertainment Sites reported on the issue.


The part I don't get is why Tim Urban?

I mean he is great, I am glad.... but they played it up like it was between Andrew Garcia and Thaddeus Johnson, the young boy with a great voice for the last spot in the Top 24.

I was glad it was Andrew over Thaddeus, mainly because Thaddeus is young and will likely return and be on the show, and Andrew is ah-freakin-maze-ing...... however, I would expect Thaddeus to have replaced anyone who was disqualified.... and he didn't.

Buddy TV Writes:
The quick recap is that Chris was declared ineligible at the last minute due to an old contract with a record label and was unceremoniously booted and edited out of the Hollywood week hoopla. (Though we still spotted his blond 'fro celebrating on stage with the Top 24.) That's why, despite whatever Ryan was telling us last night, we only saw 23 names announced until the cheesy dance-off at the end when Tim Urban popped up.

Read More Here

I agree wholeheartedly.... It just doesn't make sense... perhaps Thaddeus' temper after rejection (though not nearly as bad as many I have seen) is what swayed the judges to not choose him? (I say judges loosely, we all know it's more producers and a team of experts that analyze not only voices)

I hope Thaddeus returns in future seasons.... he was wonderful! And his Momma cracked me up too!

It's still early I know but my faves thus far include Janell Wheeler, Lilly Scott and Siobhan Magnus.(Though I adore little Katie Stevens, and appreciate Lacey Brown's style, Haeley Vaughn rocks too but I don't think she will go far sadly.)

For the men I think Andrew Garcia will win the whole thing but I also love Casey James, Tyler Grady and Michael Lynche.

Speaking of, Michael “Big Mike” Lynche, who I refer to as "Big Poppa", he was reportedly dismissed in late January because his father spoke to a Florida newspaper, breaking the show’s rules of confidentiality, yet he is still slated to be in the Top 24 according to last night's show and the official website.... time will tell.

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