Friday, February 19, 2010

Free Olympic - Our Lady Peace Concert

There are a ton of free concerts happening in and around Vancouver to help celebrate the Olympics. Tonight I went to see Our Lady Peace. I am super tired and have been working extra lately, which hasn't been good for enjoying Olympics, keeping up with blogging, watching all my shows and sleeping.

The last one is the most neglected... I can sleep in March!

Anyhow - a ton of pics uploaded to my facebook Mandy S Mind. Here is a sample to tease you - - - they played a ton of old stuff which I prefer.... and I put my videos up on my YouTube Page.

**Also links to my YouTube and FaceBook can be found on the bottom of this page and the side bar------------------------->

Here are some pics - thanks to Natalie for letting me put my mem card in her awesomer-than-mine-camera and snapping some pics for me <3 My camera sucks and the battery was dying so I only took a few vids and pics with my ghetto-cam! **PICS UPLOADING - CHECK FACEBOOK OR HERE TOMORROW**

Here's a lil teaser video:

More on my YouTube Page.

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