Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Andrew Koenigs Still Missing - Parents come to Vancouver to search

At a Canadian news conference, the parents of the "Growing Pains" star spoke directly to their son, choking back tears as they said "We just want to know that you're O.K. and if you want to stay here, change your life ... that's O.K."

The Koenigs also added he had been taking medication for depression -- but stopped taking it a year ago.

Andrew's mother closed the conference by saying "You are loved, you count and you matter."

Also TMZ reports that:

The parents of missing "Growing Pains" star Andrew Koenig left the studio right before their interview tonight on "Larry King Live" ... and not even Larry King knows why.

It happened at the end of the show. When Larry came back from a commercial break, he announced Walter Koenig from "Star Trek" and his wife had abruptly left the Vancouver studio where they were going to be interviewed.

Larry said they left "for some reason, unbeknownst to anyone."

Let's hope for the best.

We all hope it's good news. He has been missing since February 14th.

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