Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Kellan Photo shoot

Not a vein fan, but am defo a Kellan fan.... but in a metro-sexual / possibly homo-sexual gay BFF kinda way non? *hides* I always THINK "he totally could be no?" but rarely express it because I KNOW the kind of backlash I will get from fans.... just saying - HE COULD be... and AnnaLynn is really NOT his on/off gf (he said in an interview they NEVER dated) so maybe she's like, his fag-hag? ha ha - ok I will shuddup... I know Imma get a lot of slack, not saying it's true, just saying the thought crossed my mind, more than once....



1 comment:

  1. get out of my head! i thought the same when i first saw this pics too. but still totally hot!
