Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The best New Moon DVD Shopping GUide EVER....

Thanks @Twi_Star for this awesome shopping guide. I love it!

**Canadian List Here**
Borders seems to have the most, Target has neat features too... for Canada's best though it's Walmart... which I still plan to buy... then after al the "extra's: have been uploaded online *grinz* I will also buy Target's version in USA (Maybe for my mother-in-law, so i can borrow)

Borders only has Interviews I'd like to see and likely will online so, yea, I don't much care about tangible items (except maybe the film cell is cool)

Between Target, WAlmart and online I think I will have everything I need/want:

-eclipse (walmart)
-commentary (walmart)
-deleted scenes (target & Online)
-fandamonium (Target)
-interviews (online since I won't get borders)

Which are you getting?

Click to see Full Size


  1. Couldn't decide. Ordered Walmart and Target's DVDs. heehee! :)

  2. I love the excitement of standing in line at Walmart watching clips from the movie all the way until midnight when they start actually selling them. I did it last year for Twilight, and I plan on doing it again this year. Besides, Walmart is the only one that has that seven minute thing going on....Gotta have it!

  3. Hmmmm... I am a mom, my friends all think I am crazy, BUT I am torn between Target and Borders.. I am also torn on if I am going for the midnight release party as *Larent* will be in my city....

    The question is do I want to look like a crazy 35 year old amungst a see of teenage girls... come tomorow at 10pm, I will let you know :o}
