Saturday, March 13, 2010

Remember Me - Safe Post - NO Spoilers


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Remember Me was amazing!

Despite my frequent posts of clips and interviews and whatnot I actually hadn't watched or read them all (yes, I cheat, I am sorry) so I was still shocked by much of what I saw.

I was most shocked by the end and I indeed cried a lot at the end but also in other places throughout the movie.

I think Robert's acting was phenomenal and he portrayed Tyler very well. There was raw emotion and some of his facial expressions and mannerisms were so quirky and endearing.

Emilie was fabulous, though I expected nothing less, and the rest of the cast was awesome also.

I think Rob working with such amazing actors, as well as being a Producer, really helped him bring his A-Game... not that he isn't good in Twilight, but I really thought this, along with Little Ashes, showcased his acting best.

If you like Rob or not (and most reading my blog are Twilight fans so I am guessing you are a fan) this movie is worth checking out. The story is easy to connect to and is about real people, real life and a world of possibilities and what-if's.....

I am all for eating my dessert first!

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