Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Official Twilight Convention - Vancouver's Day 2 - Saturday

After a fantastic first day I was ready for Saturday, Day 2 of Creation Entertainment’s Official Twilight Convention.

Hillywood opened again, they are such fantastic hosts. Even though “Bella” was sick, you couldn’t tell she was such a trooper.

Cameron Bright did his Q&A first. It was his first appearance at the convention and he did such a fantastic job. Something about Cameron Bright really appeals to fans. He is so down to earth and real. A true “island boy” (Vancouver Island) he is relaxed, casual, friendly and polite.

You can see photos and my summary of BOTH Cameron Bright's Q & A Here.

What I was looking forward to was Leslie Graham, a local make-up artist who worked on New Moon and Eclipse. I had interviewed her Friday night and learned even more during her Q & A.

I posted about both my interview and he Q & A Here. *Coming Soon*

Another first, Jodelle Ferland appeared for her Q & A. I must say she is so cute. She is young and talented but in person, so endearing.

Photos and Details on her appearance are posted here.

Twilight Lexicon did a panel on their experience at Oprah for the Eclipse Screening as well as how the taping went and what we didn’t see on television. It was awesome to hear all the details.

While Cameron Bright & Jodelle Ferland did autographs and photo sessions I whipped out for some lunch. The weekend is so action-packed I had to take a break and be sure to eat. When I returned there was more videos playing with exclusive footage.

A neat add-on at the convention was the private meet & greets. There were some available for individual cast (I met some girls who had an hour with Kiowa and Bronson) as well as a VIP Package some ladies had which got them intimate meet & greets with all appearing cast. How awesome eh?

Charlie Bewley had to cancel last minute because of filming but Daniel Cudmore came in his place and fans were thrilled to see him. Besides being absolutely tall, he is absolutely funny and undoubtedly sexy!

You can see more photos and a summary of his Q & A here. *Coming Soon*

Although all cast had autograph signing and photo opportunities, I only made it to one and it was with Cameron Bright, Jodelle Ferland and Cameron Bright in a group photo opportunity which to me sounded best anyway.

I posted the photo here.

I helped with the auction and saw some great deals with autographed glossy prints, merchandise, banners and other items going into various bidding wars. It was exciting and I got a Spartans Forks Wa Highschool Bookbag for helping - sweet deal!

That night I had planned a group dinner and invited anyone who wanted to come via twitter, my blog and in person at the convention. The ladies from Twilight Lexicon joined us as well as fans who were enjoying the convention. We had a great time talking about everything Twilight as well as crodd-over vampire loves such as Buffy. Afterwards, a group of us went to Chapters to pick up “Black Dagger Brotherhood” books.

Back at the hotel we prepared for the Volturi Ball and enjoyed a fantastic evening.

The Trivia winners had been made over with awesome make-up and hair and got to dance with the celebrities.

Hillywood hosted and did photo ops with everyone and taught us part of their dance from the New Moon Parody.

There were prizes for best centerpiece, best dancer, best costume, best dancer doing the Hillywood routine and just hundreds of dollars in cash prizes and merchandise gift certificates.

There were snacks, soda, water and a cash bar. Kiowa sang for us and danced in the crowd.

Everyone had a great time and looked absolutely fabulous. I got a few photos with the cast mates but I will just post this one because Daniel is so incredibly sexy...

If you want to see more My facebook Mandy S Mind has albums.

I was so tired after a long day I fell asleep quickly, anxious for Day 3 with Cameron Bright once again and Peter Facinelli.

I will post tomorrow on Day 3 of the Convention in Vancouver.

*Sorry for the "Coming Soon" part but I have 300+ photos and trying to get them all uploaded and posted takes more time and energy than I had today!*

1 comment:

  1. UGH, the Charlie Bewley, complete with pictures, is what I was most looking forward to from your visit. I am soooo Team Demetri. Le sigh. Your update about the convention makes me feel like I was there. Awesome reporting!
