Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Summer Movies 2010 Update

I remember posting a 2010 Movie overview & being especially excited for all the summer movies.

As we draw closer to Summer, however, there are only a few that I am still super excited about and a lot I am not sure anyone will see.

Recently Released:

Iron Man 2

I saw this opening night with a group of friends in IMAX. It was a great night, Eclipse posters up, Eclipse IMAX Trailer on the big screen, then Iron Man 2 - a review for here nutshell, Loved Robert Downey Jr & overall casting, loved action, didn't like some of the subplots which were hard to follow without comic book knowledge.

Letters to Juliet

Amanda Seyfreid annoys me - I can't say why, I mean obviously she made out with Channing Tatum but that was the nail in the coffin, she had annoyed me before Dear John and her kissing my man, singing when she didn't have to acting. I know people love her, fine. I don't. I can't say I hate her, she just... annoys me... and this trailer doesn't help... her voice is too soft, she comes across too innocent, i don't know - when I figure it out I will let you know but t's ongoing... Even still, I am a sucker for Romantic Comedies and will probably see this before dd.

Just Wright

This doesn't interest me at all, though Common does & Queen Latifah is usually a dvd movie NOT a theatre movie... what more is there to say?

Robin Hood

Meh - I will see this because I feel obliged but I am not as eager as I thought I would be. Cate Blanchett is a completely under-rated actress, she is always so fabulous she takes on huge and diverse roles so well... Russell Crowe is an over-rated actor who is an asshole in real life (so I hear, no I haven't had the misfortune of meeting him) so I just feel - meh about this film overall. The only selling point is Ridley Scott - for that I will go see it.

Next Week

Shrek Forever After

Can' wait! This looks epic and in 3D too! Love Shrek, maybe it's the child in me, or the mother in me, but I am a sucker for Animated comedies!


Lame - an SNL SKit made into a movie, where have we seen THIS before... I don't like the Mac Gruber Skit, I do like looking at Ryan Phillipe topless though, so we shall see. Side note - I was actually an extra in MacGyver several times as a child... Richard Dean Anderson - nice guy!

Sex and the City 2

If you love SATC then you will love this. That is all I can really say.


I am a fan of these kinds of movies, though secretly. I have a history interest rooted deeply, it rarely emerges publicly. I usually do dvd for these kinds of films, but we shall see. I just love watching varous perspectives on what happened in those days. The wars, the politics, the romance, the belief systems that rules and faltered.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

I am so conflicted with this one. The plot, the video game, the idea doesn't intrigue me, but Jake G sure does... topless nonetheless... I will probably giv ein and go see this in theatres.

Survival of the Dead

Zombies - if that's your thing go see it, if not, stay home.

Next Month:

June 4

Get Him to the Greek

This is a spin-off of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Same director, same co-stars, though now they take the lead in a twisted, asumingly humourous movie. Jonah Hill and Russell Brand were pretty funny in their supporting roles in the original, and can be funny on their own anywas but we shall see how they take these roles on in this movie. The trailer has it's moments but for the most part Russell Bradn just pisses me off and Jonah Hill is hit or miss for me.


Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher - I am pretty anti-Heigl after her B.S. with Grey's and her random casting as Stephenie Plum in the upcoming movie to Janet Evanovich's fabulous book series. (PS me and my co-workers went through and did our own casting for Stephenie Plum One for the Money posted here.) I think Ashton is always typically goofy and I am tired of hearing "Let's just say the blah blah blah gave me a licence to blah"


Owen Wilson is in town filming a movie with Steve Martin and Jack Black. I like Owen Wilson, often, not always. This movie is based on the comic strip "Great Dane."


It's a mermaid movie. Not all mermaid movies are good - but I will see all mermaid movies, it's a fascination I have... like most of my blog readers have with vampires...

Colin Farrell used to be sexy but he's been on the radar for so long I don't know if he still has that bad-boy sex appeal. Especially now that he is married, with kids. Not that kids make you unsexy, but his whole sexiness was the bad boy bachelor... non?

He is with his Ondine co-star ALicja Bachelda-Farrell and living a much calmer life than when we last saw him in the spot-light. I think I like it... but I don't think he's as dreamy.

Still, likely wait for DVD.


I realize this will probably be a fail however Adrien Brody has potential he just chooses for some reason not to use it. Those who read my blog regularily know I am in need of a clone so this movie seems interesting though even a crazy new breed of a mistaken clone won't deter me from my goals.

I will probably see this as part of a triple feature at the drive-in.

June 11

The A-Team

This movie will be corny, so corny it is funny. And it was filmed in Vancouver, and I saw a lot of it being filmed And I got caught in stupid downtown traffic for their big action sequences that shut down main roads - soooo - I will be obliged to see this in theatre. And with sexy Bradley Cooper and amazing Liam Neeson, I just may enjoy it!

The Karate Kid

I love the original and I am not impressed they re-made it, with Will Smith's kid no-less. It was mentioned in my 2010 Movies"Kung Fu Kid" ake of Karate kid. Lil Smith is no Daniel Larusson and Jackie Chan is certainly NO Mr. Miyagi!!

Winter’s Bone

In January this movie was a favourite by Sundance attendee's but I know very little about it personally. A young girl goes searching for her father who disappeared in order to save her family. Jennifer Lawrence [plys Ree and has had great reviews.

June 18

Jonah Hex

This was listed in my previous 2010 movies posts there was little info and with it's release about a month away it finally has a trailer out. Josh Brolin looks hot, Megan Fox looks slutty, I don't know how it will do or if I will go see it but at least we have a trailer to entice us now.

Toy Story 3

Will be Best Animated Feature of the year - hands down - This will RULE the School! I can't wait! and 3D!

June 25


This movie looks really messed up but for that very reason it is intiguing. Popular at last years Cannes I am interested in checkingit out. Basically a crazy family keeps their kids overly sheltered from the real world leading to them having the minds of children even in their late teens. When they are exposed to the real world it becomes even more messed up.

Grown Ups

I thought this would be funny. in my 2010 movie post I had listed it as something I looked forward to seeing. I saw the preview and though it looks funny enough, I don't think I will pay to go see it. Maybe as a double feature at the drive-in but not to go see just this movie. DVD worthy sure.

Knight & Day

No interest really, we'll see.

June 30

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Nothing to say here - we all know how I feel about Twilight and that I wl be there opening night and multiple times opening weekend. I only saw Twilight twice in theatres and New Moon three times opening weekend then waited for DVD but Eclipse I sense will be different. Eclipse is my fave book and I think will be my fave movie so expect it to make a lot money from me alone ha ha!

July 2

Last Airbender

This movie looks cool and not only because Jackson Rathbone is in it, though that is admitedly what drew me to the movie.

July 9

Despicable Me

I didn't have much interest in this film especially with Toy Story and Shrek coming out - animation overload, but I saw the trailer and changed my mind, it looks so cute and quirky and I will deffo go check it out. AND it's also 3D!


This too didn't seem too interesting until I saw the trailer and understood the concept a bit more. It looks like a pretty intense psychological thriller - I would love to see.

Other Movies I previously listed aren't included because I have no mor einfo on them or no interest in commenting one way or another about them.

And these aren't Summer Movies but I have to include anyways - I am so excited for them!

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 1.

And The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader which I mentioned in my Previous Post.

What movies are you most looking forward to this summer? Comment Below!

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