Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Eclipse Soundtrack Online Listening Party

Listen to the complete Eclipse Soundtrack at TwiFans for the next 24 hours!.

Leave your comments and thoughts below.

Mandy's Mind:

I really love the feel and vibe of this soundtrack. I would say it's not only the best of the Saga thus far but the best for movies in gerneal in a very long time. I like the diversity of sounds but also the very distinct beats.

I have being trying to place songs to scenes but I have stopped because it just frustrates me and I don't want to anticipate certain things ha ha. Actually New Moon I didn't listen to until I saw the movie because I heard a bit of one song and didn't like it.

After the movie I learned to love a lot of the New Moon Soundtrack... but Eclipse I already love so it makes seeing the songs placed in themovie even more exciting.

I will post a "song placement post" like I did for New Moon on or before June 30, 2010.

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