Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kristen Stewart leaves Australia

Wow! Poor kristen, there needs to be some more security or like more space for her to walk - I get wanting to see her but fans and paparazzi need to let her breathe at least non?

She doesn't look happy - and who the HELL is yankingon her arm? I'd have punched buddy out!



  1. Wow, Kristen looks really upset. I wonder if she's upset just because of the paparazzi or if she's going thru anything in her life right now. Hmm, hopefully it's just the paparazzi.

    Thanks Mandy for the comment you left on my blog :) I think I'll definitely do weekly weigh-ins but each day I'll try to blog and keep track on how things are going.

  2. Poor Kristen...papz is suck

  3. I don't know... I have a hard time feeling too sorry for her. Especially when she pulls a stunt like the snarky Giant Flip Off on the balcony. (Honestly, I think that showed a lot of her true self.) Yeah, the paparazzi is a bitch, but it comes with the job and a lot of other people have it a lot tougher. She's making a ton of money from this film series and it enables her to pursue the indy films she seems to prefer. I guess I lean toward the idea that she signed on for this madness, so suck it up, girl. She did have a choice, after all. That may sound harsh, but she'll never survive the next year if she doesn't get her act together.

  4. I agree with Lainey that KStew needs to toughen up, wisen up!!! This is TEMPORARY!!!! No offense but the girl is not long in this business. She should know from Heath Ledger's horrible experience that the paps in Australia are BRUTAL!!!! Plus, you know she is wigged out about the ROB/REESE stories. Where there is smoke there is fire...
    Kristen is trying desperately to make news. Sad.
