Monday, June 28, 2010

Wyck Godfrey's comment about Louisiana

So near the end of this video Wyck Godfrey says he is hopping a plane to Louisiana to scout locations... this led to news that Louisiana is "confirmed"

ok - maybe so, but I am going to try to argue it because obviously Vancouver is my choice for Breaking Dawn... well at least part of it... but we will get to that at the end of this post....

SO, here is my attempt at discrediting the producers comments as confirmation for Breaking Dawn LoL

Watch the video first...

OK how can I argue this hmmm...

SO he is going to Louisiana to scout sets, so sets aren't chosen and so maybe they won't find them and decide to not go there? LoL

Breaking Dawn happens in the summer right? SO they needs sunny weather so Lousiana would provide that even in November (I have been down there plenty and even USA Thanksgiving down there was shorts and t-shirt weather in November) so.... weather, along with tax breaks makes for great location to shoot PARTS of BD.

I'd say maybe an Isle of Esme and a search by Alice and Jasper and studio.... but there is still some outdoors needed.... the main scene coming to mind is the big meet-up at the end, with all the witnesses ...

I keep thinking that would be filmed in the meadow or the battle field set.... not that there aren't areas in Lousiaiana that may have that ( I am arguing for Vancouver here though so bare with me) therefore they need our beautiful trees and mountains and landscape that can not be duplicated!

tee hee yes I am reaching but shuddup

While I am reaching and hoping let me say maybe Wyck was just throwing fans and paparazzi off by saying Louisiana, feeding into false rumours... ha ha ok too far of a reach... let's get back to facts...

I had heard as late as May that Vancouver was being used and at the same time Louisiana proof was present so I decided both locations were possible.

Here was the post in May about the issue.

I've been searching for similar info in Vancouver and have a few leads but nothing tangible to post so maybe there is nothing.... *le sigh*

I'd love to see them here for a few scenes particularily the big meet up at the end - what a way to wrap up the series??!!

One can hope - and I will....

but honestly a combination of here and there would thrill me because honestly that many months of filming here may send me into a mental institution - my email inbox get insanely curel and full during filming and the drama intensifies and it just gets ugly....

so, Louisiana and here combined would be my fave choice personally....

Time will tell... I am not convinced yet....


  1. Hm, or maybe part Louisiana and part Oregon. Just a thought. And like you said, one can hope... and I will.

  2. BD takes place in August until right at New Year's. If I remember correctly, the wedding was August 13 and she woke up as a vampire 1 day prior to her 19th birthday, which was Sept 13. There is a point in the book (don't remember the chapter exactly, I just read it during my re-read) where they skip ahead 3 months bringing us to mid-December.
