Sunday, August 15, 2010

Big Brother Sunday & Spoilers

So tonight's show showed us Brendan as HoH nominating Lane and Ragen... wtf?

I don't understand him at all, he should have put up Brittney for sure, but he didn't so now he just has to go with it...

Read on for spoilers, if you don't want to know don't click on...

More... So Brendan opens Pandora's Box and Rachel returns to the house for 24 hours but Brendan has to leave for 24 hours... of course this leads to complete hysterics in the house, drama, drama, drama....

Regan and Rachel fight then make up

Britt tries to make her good bye video message a joke and they make up then have a blow out after Enzo tells Rachel Britt's lobbyingpeople against him labellinghim the "saboteur"

The Brigade is falling apart, we saw hints of this tonight, losing trust in Matt. This goes further and Lane, Enzo and Hayden try to convince Brendan to put Matt up as a replacement nominee which will be awesome since he has the secret diamond veto...

things can and may get VERY interesting soon!

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