Monday, August 16, 2010

True Blood Sunday

Tonight was one of the best episodes ever, it seems each week just gets better and better.

More... Finally we are going to find out what Sookie is, if you have read the book or spoilers you already know, also if you think about it, you can figure it out based on what we have seen.

So glad Eric got "off" ha ha - and can't wait to see him destroy Russell

The last 2 minutes were epic... Russell rips up in there... loved it... then "over to the weather" bahahahah

I am so excited to see how they take Russell down...

Jesus is so hot and Lafayette and him are adorable... his tattoo had me thinking he is a were... dunno

I am still not entirely sure about Crystal's family, but it was kick-ass to see Sam pummell her daddy.

Hoyt and Jess are SO going to get back together, I can't wait! His "short" girlfriend drives ME nuts too - she is worse than the blonde married woman from last season that Jason hooked up with - what's herface from the Fellowship?!?!

I met a friend for coffee today and I said I didn't think Franklin was dead, "but they cleaned up his brains" she said "well I hope he isn't" i said.... and I was right, briefly... LoL I hope he is back in flashbacks and haunts Tara - he is just so adorable, in a messed up way!

I also want mor Godric, I know he taped some for this season, hopefully soon!

Loved Sookie meeting her nephew, cousin, whoever the kid is, makes me excited to see where that will come up again later.

I don't want this season to end... it is so amazing


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