Thursday, September 2, 2010

Spike's Scream Awards

SPIKE'S SCREAM AWARDS are October 19, 2010.

TwiFans listed all the categories Twilight is nominated for:
Ultimate Scream

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Best Fantasy Movie

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Best Fantasy Actress

Kristen Stewart, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Best Fantasy Actor

Taylor Lautner, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Robert Pattinson, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

And perhaps the most important (to me, anyway) is this one....

Best Breakout Performance Male

Xavier Samuel, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
If all else fails VOTE ON THIS CATEGORY!!! Xavier Samuel is incredibly talented, sexy and sweet.. I met him while filming in Vancouver and he is simply amazing! I want to see him win and I hope he is recognized in many other awards also as he is very deserving and adorable!!!

I love the Scream Awards, I will be in Vegas the weekend before, I wonder if I could find a way to attend? It was pre-taped last year... hrmm.. I wonder... Whatta nice bday present to myself mwahahhaaha!

Herei s Taylor accepting an award last year:

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