Thursday, September 2, 2010

Taylor vs RV vs Pushups = crazy-silly

So Taylor wanted an RV, it was late arriving, he sued, they offered to settle out of court via a push-up competition?!?! So many rumours buzzing around... here's the scoop...

More... Amanda at Twilight Examiner reports:

"A couple of day ago, TMZ broke the story that Taylor Lautner was suing a store called McMahon's RV for not having his pricey, customized trailer delivered on time. The suit was reportedly filed under the theory of breach of contract which led to emotional distress.

Seems simple enough, right?

Well, yesterday, the Associated Press announced that the owner of the store in question "offered to compete in a push-up contest to settle" the case.

"The dealership said Lautner's camp had sought a $40,000 settlement to resolve the case, leading to the unorthodox proposal by McMahon. The 47-year-old businessman said if he won the contest, he would donate the settlement money to Children's Hospital of Orange County."

Here's what Taylor Lautner's party had to say in return, according to one source:

"While we will not dignify Mr. McMahon's facetious suggestion of a contest to settle a legal claim with a response, we do welcome the opportunity for him to resolve this matter by making a $40,000 donation to the charity of Mr. Lautner's choice, and we will be in touch with his counsel to see if he will make good on this offer . . . [The offer] demonstrates the lack of professionalism that Mr. McMahon, his company and his employees have exhibited from the outset, and that compelled the filing of this lawsuit in the first place. This suit is not about a "customized" RV, it is about McMahon's RV's refusal to deliver the vehicle in the safe, drivable condition that was promised, as every purchaser has the right to expect."

So, while something good may come of the situation in that a charity might receive donation money, it is rather sad that Taylor Lautner's attempt to seek justice of a consumer rights issue was met with such juvenile treatment."

What an ordeal eh?

What do you think of this situation?

There is more of each part of this HERE at Hollywood Reporter.

[Via Twifans]

1 comment:

  1. seriously...suing over late delivery~that's the juvenile part of this whole thing! I think Lautner's head has gotten too small for his ego...
